TLIF Getting Back To Health
Following your TLIF procedure, your challenge in the future is to do what you can to help prevent other discs from getting into the same trouble. While we can't stop the aging and degenerating process, certain things can be helpful like maintaining strength in your back and abdomen. You'll want to be careful with extreme lifting, or sports that involve contact, in order to protect all the healthy discs in your back.
It's also important to maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking.
Although recommended activities after surgery may vary with each case, it's important to stay active and live a healthy, nutritionally balanced lifestyle, like Coach K.
My surgery has not only helped me as a coach, but it has also allowed me to become a more active husband, father and grandfather. I was pretty nervous about the surgery at first, but I am so happy I went through with it. When I returned to physical activity, I was amazed at the things I could do. How many times do you say, "I don't know if I have the time to do it?" You can make the time to do it. Why would you want to live with spine problems? Positive attitude matters. You must tell yourself, "I'm not going to let pain win."
Listen, I'm Coach K, not Doctor K. Make sure you ask your doctor if a spine procedure is right for you.
Important Safety Information.
Any infection must be promptly treated and every effort must be made to prevent infection. This includes informing all your doctors, even dentists, that you have had a TLIF procedure. Antibiotics must be used before and after medical or dental procedure - a precaution that must be taken for the rest of your life. The performance of a TLIF procedure depends on your age, weight, activity level and other factors. There are potential risks, and recovery takes time.
People with conditions limiting rehabilitation should not have this surgery. Only a surgeon can tell you if a TLIF procedure is right for you.